Hypnotherapy Sessions in Richmond

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Customised Alternative Care

When birds squawk, do you scream? Hypnotherapy can ease your fears. While under hypnosis, clients are more likely to accept gentle suggestions. So, don’t rule out a trip to Smiths Park just yet!

Welcome to Plume Consulting in Richmond. My name is Jan Plume, and I will tailor my services to address the underlying issues contributing to your negative emotions. Count on me to listen to you intently and implement various coping techniques, including neuro linguistic programming (NLP). An NLP practitioner uses intention setting, modelling, mirroring, and other exercises to change client behaviour. If you want to adapt your communication style or become a better team player, book an NLP session. You can reach me today on 0450 262 399.

Feeling Tired & Stressed — Plume Consulting Hypnotherapist in Richmond
Woman Talking During Therapy Session — Plume Consulting Hypnotherapist in Richmond

Reflect & Find Relief from Negative Feelings

Plume Consulting is a welcoming, safe space for people from all walks of life. I will do everything I can to make you feel comfortable and enable open communication. Building a trusting relationship is crucial to many of my methods, especially emotional freedom technique.

EFT requires you to share personal experiences and reflect on negative feelings while I tap meridian points. The method is based on the idea that poor mental health creates energy blockages, and you can clear these through acupressure to restore emotional balance.

Get in touch for more information.

Aerial view of residential — Plume Consulting Hypnotherapist in Richmond houses in the suburb of South Penrith
Aerial view of residential — Plume Consulting Hypnotherapist in Richmond houses in the suburb of South Penrith


If you're struggling with poor mental or physical health in Richmond, hypnotherapy could be a powerful solution. Each session is tailored to your unique situation, so you can get the most out of it.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Energy blockages can result in sickness and negative emotions. To maintain balance, consider emotional freedom technique. I assist Richmond residents experiencing fear and stress.

Neuro Linguistic Programming

My NLP service includes a modelling process, which can help you understand and implement strategies used by successful people. Kick goals with my assistance in Richmond.

Life Coaching

You can’t climb the ladder of success without focusing on each rung. Life coaching will outline a broad range of steps you can take to achieve your short- or long-term goals in Richmond.

Take Steps Towards Your Goal

Have major life changes knocked you back? Are you ‘umming and ahhing’ about what to do next? My life coaching service can provide structure to your everyday activities. Under my guidance, you’ll set specific, measurable goals that I will hold you accountable for in each session. These could be ‘I’ll go on a 30-minute walk every morning’ or ‘I’ll record any conflict and how I reacted or managed the situation’. Your action plan will be customised to your needs.

Reach your full potential—book life coaching with Plume Consulting in Richmond. Your first session is free of charge!

High Five — Plume Consulting Hypnotherapist in Richmond

Frequently Asked Questions

Life coaching and therapy are both designed to help you improve aspects of your life. However, therapy addresses past events and issues that may be contributing to current problems. Life coaching focuses on setting goals and developing strategies to reach these.

No, it’s nothing like what you see in the movies! Hypnotherapy is a legitimate, evidence-based treatment approach that can be effective for people with various mental health conditions.

Hypnotherapy can lead to increased self-awareness and a greater sense of satisfaction or fulfillment in life. You can become more willing to make positive changes by improving your outlook.

Unlike hypnotherapy, NLP engages the conscious mind. The therapist will encourage client interaction with NLP techniques, focusing on linguistic elements that influence neurological processes.